Promises of Happiness
Robert Clark
Guy Hoare
James Bulley
Kip Johnson, Martha Pasakopoulou, Janina Rajakangas + Stephen Moynihann
technical manager
Rob Pell-Walpole
Are you happy?
Would more money help?
A hug from a stranger?
A new mobile phone or cheaper car insurance?
This is a dance show for joy, for simple pleasures, for saying ‘no’ to people who want to tell us what should or should not make us happy; and to their endless promises of happiness alluding to a world just out of reach.
Here, exploring happiness is more important than ever actually finding it.
Let’s go there together.
Promises of Happiness is a humorous and emotionally charged, intricate and detailed work for theatre spaces, performed by 4 exceptional dancers. A performance that aims to engage the audience; offering gifts, opportunities to dance and room for reflection and personal insight.
Promises of Happiness was created and toured between 2013 – 2015.
Running Time: 1hr 15min
…excellent quartet of highly polished and individual artists… I left The Place with a smiley face and a “how-tickled-I-am” feeling, looking for a ‘phone, a well-stocked kitchen or just someone to kiss. The promise of happiness fulfilled
Clark’s work suggests something more, something that is elusive in our society. In using dance to express notions of happiness, he is highlighting the vital link between an expressive body and our sense of self
Promising to make an entire audience happier is quite a challenge but the natural sincerity of the performance enables Clark and his company to achieve it.
…humbling and also brave; it bought me back to a quieter reflection on happiness … An uplifting Saturday evening which left me with much food for thought
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commissioned by

supported by

Commissioned by Dance East and The Place. Funded by Arts Council England. Supported by Greenwich Dance, Trestle Arts Base and Dance4.