In the absence of knowing, we are lost. We wait for release and freedom. Somewhere between an embrace and the death of many, within space or by touch we are held.Voices floating through the bodies of others, memories detached, present only to communicate their thoughts.We can never forget.

This commission on third year students at London Contemporary Dance School is a study on the notion of "being held, or holding", addressing the theme both as action and as a state of being. Through the clear physical, emotional and theatrical images and situations that we associate with this theme, everything from an embrace to imprisonment, states of freedom, love and attachment, are referenced to create a wider relevance for the work, moving The work from a study of coupling to acting as a metaphor for the

actions of people, and groups of people in the world.

Working with text as well as movement and dance, the dancers developed these strands into a detailed, physically powerful and articulate language, reflecting their own idiosyncrasies and histories whilst drawing upon their partnering skills and principles of released movement.

Concept/Choreography/Sound editing

Robert Clark   


Dominick Mitchell-Bennett, Bianca Dakli, Naomi Todvassian, Eve Veglio-White, Marta Masiero, Jasmine Northbrooke, Marillia Silva, Michael Kitchin

Music                            Lighting

Woven Hand - various tracks      Robin Howard Theatre Technicians

To see video click


Performed at The Place 25th and 26th of February 2011, Richmix Bethnal Green 7th May 2011, The Laban Centre on the 11th May 2011, Sadlers Wells (Cable and Wireless Studio) on  20th May 2011 and at City and Islington College  on 26th May 2011.

within space or by touch