A History of Private Moments


This work is the culmination of a six -day intensive research period in

which, through a process of dialogue the dancers formed four distinctive

takes on privacy, its boundaries, content and their relation to it, utilising a

group improvisation score as its base. The work is a collage of images, still and

moving, open to interpretation by the audience and exist to be read like a

fast moving flick book. Situations are captured in time and reformed without

consideration for their former context; playing on the image and its

meaning. Weaving the two Robert creates a form of narrative that forces the

dancer¹s to listen and the audience to observe this quiet act build to its conclusion.

Choreographer: Robert Clark and Dancers

Dancers: Kim Carter, Inkyung Choung, Isabelle Cressy,

Natalie Duffield-Moore, Megan Henderson, Giorgia Maganzini, Lauren

Mitchell, Victoria Porter, Sabrina Ribes Bonet and Ellen Turner

Music: Melancholia ll-William Basinski, La Ligne- Andrea Sparascio,

Sound Effects: Essential Sound Effects Vol 1