Performance Reviews
Performance Reviews
By Donald Hutera, in Dance Europe, June 2008
passing, strange and wonderful
by Ben Wright
By Jenny Ousbey, in the Leicester Mercury, April 2009
"an interestingly odd and tangential love story"
Erin Johnson One Stop Arts 20/04/12
“full of bold ideas”
Sanjoy Roy, The Guardian 18/04/12
“an effective and well-conceived look at love and life.”
Glen Pearce 05/06/12
Motherland by Charlotte Vincent
Robert Clark ... his movements a beautifully observed mix of glancing tenderness and awkward hesitation.
Judith Mackrell, in The Guardian, Nov 11, 2012
Straight Talking by Charlotte Vincent
By Sally Marie, taken from on a performance at The Place on the 26th of September 2009 as part of the Touchwood season.
“incredibly thought out and well executed, a carefully edited piece of work”
Erin Johnson Bach Track 26/02/13
“This is a finely tuned, concentrated performance ... Magic is not something one associates with imprisonment, but Robert Clark has chosen to take the brutality out of the prison and replace it with heart, imagination and stoicism, suggesting that our interior state of life is enough to transform a place or situation.”
Nicholas Minns 05/06/13
The Happiness Treatments by Robert Clark was by far the longest experience of the evening, lasting approximately an hour altogether. I understand that this is only one part of a four-part work attached to the dance piece Promises of Happiness, but it stands very well on its own two feet. A sort of spa-like treatment, you enter a room with two other people, and are invited to lie on a bed (blindfold), and are gently manipulated in a variety of ways, sort of like a unusual massage (with the odd bit of sound helping along the way). The whole process was immensely relaxing and reassuring, and I would have been quite happy for it to go on much longer: I came out the other side calm, comfortable and happy. Really lovely. There’s quite a bit more to it, but I don’t want to spoil it: there was a point I thought it was over, and then realised it definitely wasn’t – and then my understanding of what the piece was offering expanded in a fascinating way. Well worth catching if you can.
T h e
H a p p i n e s s
T r e a t m e n t s
P r o m i s e s
o f
H a p p i n e s s
A n e v e n i n g l e n g t h T h e a t r e w o r k
A s e r i e s o f i n t i m a t e 1-1 p e r f o r m a n c e s
“…excellent quartet of highly polished and individual artists… I left The Place with a smiley face and a “how-tickled-I-am” feeling, looking for a ‘phone, a well-stocked kitchen or just someone to kiss. The promise of happiness fulfilled.” Dance Tabs
“Clark’s work suggests something more, something that is elusive in our society. In using dance to express notions of happiness, he is highlighting the vital link between an expressive body and our sense of self” writingaboutdance
“...humbling and also brave; it bought me back to a quieter reflection on happiness ... An uplifting Saturday evening which left me with much food for thought” BristolProspectus
I found myself moved almost to tears by the sense of social immersion and inclusivity Clark’s ground-breaking work created. It was, to say the least, uplifting.
It’s like nothing you’ll have seen before. Emotional,challenging, inspiring, amazing! Greenwich Visitor