Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories, is an international project aiming to bring together European dancers to communicate and connect through dancing, moving and exploring together. As part of this project Robert has lead a number of workshop sessions and classes across Europe, which resulted in a number of performances, culminating in the creation of a 40 minute dance work “in reference to the robbers cave” for 5 dancers each from a country participating in the Beyond Front@ network.


in reference to the robbers cave

Lighting Design - Gabi Banki (Hu)

Music Composition - Ulrich Troyer (Au)

Performed by - Elizabeth Barker (U.k), Ivanov, Gabor (Hu), Celia Ha (Au), Kaja Janjie (Sl),  Zvonimir Kvesic (Hr).

Supported by - Greenwich Dance (U.k), Front@ (Sl),