Initiated by the Opera Estate, B Motion organisation this collaboration between Simona Bertozzi and Robert Clark continues on from a series of works (Homo Ludens - consisting of ILYNX and AGON) choreographed by Simona, relating to the work of Roger Caillois, a French Sociologist and his theories on “games”. This new work takes its title and starting point from Rogers’ theories pertaining to games that relate to gambling and chance and the fundamental conditions he lays out which must be met in order for the game to be able to take place.

The game is itself the sum of its fundamental conditions :

It happens in a very precise space

at a certain time

it is fictitious

it has some very specific rules, which must be known and accepted by all participants

This game transforms the stage into a claustrophobic playground upon which all play between its performer/participants takes place. Using complex and physical movement sequences and material, juxtaposed with statuesque and gestural imagery this piece is wrapped in game, as the navigation of the work is made through pre-determined rules that allow for choices and reactions to be made moment to moment. Not to be confused with improvisation this piece is a game of chance, not explorative or unknown, simply embracing risk to increase the interest for its performers and spectators alike.


Simona Bertozzi                           

Choreographed and performed by  

Robert Clark and Simona Bertozzi

With support from

Opera Estate / Bmotion , Bassano


Click HERE to see film of ALEA